Tag Archives: Miami Product Liability Attorneys

Defective Pressure Cooker Results in $26 Million Settlement
A five-year-old girl suffered catastrophic injuries as a result of a defective pressure cooker that blew its cover. According to the lawsuit, the pressure cooker’s lid blew open. The young girl suffered burns over the majority of her body. This, in turn, required doctors to amputate one of her legs and fingers on both… Read More »

Goodyear Accused of Legal Misconduct over Defective Tires
It’s a tactic that’s become all too familiar for auto industry giants who are accused of creating defective products. First, they claim that their product is safe. Second, they settle lawsuits quietly and under seal. Third, they continue to produce the product with tragic consequences. Such was the with the defective Takata airbags that… Read More »

Tesla Targeted in Autonomous Car Lawsuit
In a recent lawsuit, a Florida resident was doing 80 mph on a highway when a stopped vehicle “suddenly appeared” in his lane. The man crashed into the back of the vehicle and proceed to sue Tesla for a failure of their autonomous driving AI. The car had stalled in the lane that he… Read More »

Class Action Takes on E-Scooter Companies
You can’t sue a company for a product that annoys a great segment of the population, but, you can sue a company for creating an unsafe product that creates foreseeable injuries or deploying the product in an unsafe way. That is precisely what California attorneys are attempting to do as they take on the… Read More »

Product Liability Suits Emerge From Parkland Shooting
Parkland victims are suing the makers of the AR-15-style weapon that was used in the Parkland Massacre. Families of the victims believe that the gunmaker, American Outdoor Brands (formerly Smith and Wesson) and Sunrise Tactical Supply who sold the weapon are at least partially to blame for the massacre that took the lives of… Read More »

Lawsuits Emerging From Contaminated Eggs
A press release was recently issued concerning reports of contaminated eggs causing a “multistate outbreak” of salmonella. The eggs began making headlines across 8 states as more cases of salmonella were reported. The eggs appear to have originated on a farm in North Carolina. Federal health officials reported that as of the writing of… Read More »

Miami Jury Finds In Favor Of Louisville Ladder In Injury Lawsuit
In a plotline that sounds like it was borrowed from the Irish Pub classic Finnegan’s Wake, one plumber injured his spine, hips, and ribs after falling from a ladder manufactured by Louisville Ladder Inc. He then sued the company for $3.1 million alleging that the ladder was responsible for his injuries. The plaintiff issued… Read More »

Blot-Clot Filter Results in 27 Deaths
A blot-clot filter that was blamed for the deaths of 27 people resulted in a $3.6 million verdict in a product liability lawsuit just recently. But this could be only the beginning as more lawsuits pile up against the companies that designed and manufactured the devices. Plaintiff’s attorneys allege that the devices never underwent… Read More »

$117 Million Awarded In Talcum Powder Lawsuit
Unless you’ve been under a media blackout, you’ve probably heard something about the baby powder product liability lawsuits. The cases originated with studies that showed the risk of potential cross-contamination between talcum and asbestos, deposits of which are often found near to one another in the natural environment. Since asbestos is the primary risk… Read More »

Did Lipstick Give a California Woman Herpes?
In one of the stranger lawsuits being filed in recent memory, a California woman filed a lawsuit suit against Sephora for a lipstick sample that she claims gave her herpes. The lawsuit alleges that the woman in question sampled lipstick at a Sephora store in 2015. She was later diagnosed with herpes. The woman… Read More »