Tag Archives: Miami Product Liability Attorney

$117 Million Awarded In Talcum Powder Lawsuit
Unless you’ve been under a media blackout, you’ve probably heard something about the baby powder product liability lawsuits. The cases originated with studies that showed the risk of potential cross-contamination between talcum and asbestos, deposits of which are often found near to one another in the natural environment. Since asbestos is the primary risk… Read More »

Did Lipstick Give a California Woman Herpes?
In one of the stranger lawsuits being filed in recent memory, a California woman filed a lawsuit suit against Sephora for a lipstick sample that she claims gave her herpes. The lawsuit alleges that the woman in question sampled lipstick at a Sephora store in 2015. She was later diagnosed with herpes. The woman… Read More »

Exploding E-Cigs To Blame In Product Liability Lawsuits
The use of e-cigarettes as an alternative to traditional smoking has exploded over the past few years. So too have the e-cigarettes themselves, according to recent lawsuits. Product liability lawsuits filed against e-cigarette companies allege that defects in the design of the batteries are responsible for a number of injuries. More than 120 lawsuits… Read More »

Understanding Florida Product Liability Law
A young woman in Miami had her life affected forever due to a defective airbag in her mother’s 2002 Jeep Liberty. Reports indicate that the young woman was driving the Jeep through her neighborhood when both the driver and passenger side airbags spontaneously deployed. There was no accident, no collision; not even a speed… Read More »
Product Liability Litigation: The Basics of Case Consolidation
We are all too familiar with the mass of car manufacturing recalls that seemed to pile up at the end of 2014. With Takata’s airbag recall litigation taking the forefront after recalling over two million vehicles and contributing to the deaths of at least five Florida natives, we all have a fair cause for… Read More »