Tag Archives: Miami Product Liability

Blot-Clot Filter Results in 27 Deaths
A blot-clot filter that was blamed for the deaths of 27 people resulted in a $3.6 million verdict in a product liability lawsuit just recently. But this could be only the beginning as more lawsuits pile up against the companies that designed and manufactured the devices. Plaintiff’s attorneys allege that the devices never underwent… Read More »

$117 Million Awarded In Talcum Powder Lawsuit
Unless you’ve been under a media blackout, you’ve probably heard something about the baby powder product liability lawsuits. The cases originated with studies that showed the risk of potential cross-contamination between talcum and asbestos, deposits of which are often found near to one another in the natural environment. Since asbestos is the primary risk… Read More »

Exploding E-Cigs To Blame In Product Liability Lawsuits
The use of e-cigarettes as an alternative to traditional smoking has exploded over the past few years. So too have the e-cigarettes themselves, according to recent lawsuits. Product liability lawsuits filed against e-cigarette companies allege that defects in the design of the batteries are responsible for a number of injuries. More than 120 lawsuits… Read More »

Is Talcum Powder Giving You Ovarian Cancer?
The answer is – quite possibly. Multiple studies have surfaced showing a disturbing link between long-term use of talcum powder products and women developing ovarian cancer. According to a Harvard Medical School study, women using talcum powder around the genital region on a daily basis have a 40 percent higher risk of developing ovarian… Read More »
Big-Rig Carrying Sharks Crashes on Florida Freeway
In a surprising story out of Volusia County, Florida, it is being reported that a semi-truck carrying a group of sharks crashed into a grove of trees. The cause of the accident was a split tire on the truck that caused the truck to veer off the road and crash into the trees as… Read More »
Legal Landscape of Miami Area Construction Accidents
Miami area construction accidents pose a significant threat to their victims. Because of its physical nature, construction workers are constantly in danger of being hurt in an accident. And because of the nature of the work they do, those accidents can happen anywhere. For example, there are accidents where equipment is not set up… Read More »