Tag Archives: Miami Premises Liability Lawyer

Fall From Donkey Statue Injures Florida Woman
A woman is suing a Mexican restaurant for injuries she sustained as a result of falling from a donkey statue on the restaurant property in Tallahassee. According to reports, the woman was climbing on the status to take pictures, but unfortunately slipped and fell from the statue onto the floor. As a result of… Read More »
Negligent Security Litigation in Florida
Businesses, restaurants, hotels, and other places that make themselves available for public use have many legal obligations to their patrons, customers, and clientele. One of these obligations is a duty of reasonable care pertaining to the safety of guests on the premises. This duty manifests itself in a need to keep the premises clean,… Read More »
Keeping Yourself Safe in the Florida Construction Industry
Construction workers are among some of the hardest workers in our society. They require remarkable physical endurance and are tasked with creating, maintaining, and repairing our public areas so we can enjoy them and remain safe. Construction workers also face a variety of physical dangers on the job every day—a fact that can put… Read More »
Premises Liability in Florida: A Primer
Premises liability is a frequently utilized, but not often understood legal claim in civil law. This area of the law deals with injuries or accidents that occur on the property of another. This extends far beyond tripping and falling on someone else’s land; it can include inadequate security, hazing incidents, or negligent exposure cases… Read More »