Tag Archives: Miami Injury Attorneys

Did Face Painting At Legoland Result In A Major Skin Rash?
Imagine bringing your son to Legoland for a fun happy time. The boy gets his face painted by one of the employees. He begins complaining about a burning itchy sensation on his face. You, as his parent, bring him to the doctor after the condition persists. The boy is given medication for the allergic… Read More »

Deadly Car Wreck In Northwest Miami-Dade Leaves Family In Ruins
The lives of four family members in a Nissan Altima were changed forever after being involved in a horrific accident that occurred at an intersection in Northwest Miami-Dade. A 17-year-old motorist operating an SUV ran a red light and crashed directly into the Altima. The ramifications of the collision were devastating. The father (who… Read More »
Florida’s Medical Malpractice Laws: Understanding the Limitations
Medical malpractice happens when a doctor, or any healthcare provider, injures a patient. However, not all medical errors may lead to a medical malpractice claim. If you live in Florida and have been injured as a result of an error committed by a health professional or facility, you may have the basis for a… Read More »
Boating Accidents: A Major Problem in Miami Area
When Miami area residents want to relax and enjoy the wonderful, sunny Florida climate, they often go boating. And why not? The ocean is right there for everyone to enjoy. Boaters can have fun with watersports, fishing, or just floating along while enjoying time with family and friends. But unfortunately, boating occasionally doesn’t turn… Read More »
Understanding Comparative Negligence Claims in Florida
Scenario: Someone hits your car with their vehicle. You injure your neck and require long-term hospitalization and miss months of work. You sue the driver of the car that hit you for negligence to recover your expenses, but the driver claims you were on your cell phone and that you are therefore partially responsible… Read More »
Elder Abuse in Florida: Underreported and Overly Frequent
Physical, verbal, and sexual abuse of elderly persons is on the rise in the United States. The very people that the elderly rely on for their care—their family, caregivers, and other professionals, take advantage of the power they wield over their elder counterparts. Florida has taken steps to criminalize and deter such horrific occurrences,… Read More »