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Category Archives: Prescription Drug Errors


Is Big Pharma Accountable For The Opioid Epidemic?

By Alan Goldfarb, P.A. |

A lawsuit filed by Palm Bay City Hall could open up the floodgates for personal injury lawsuits in the state for those who have become addicted to prescription pain-management medication. Palm Bay will be the first city in the State of Florida to sue the pharmaceutical companies that they feel are responsible for America’s… Read More »

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Recent Supreme Court Decisions Benefit Patients In Malpractice Claims

By Alan Goldfarb, P.A. |

Under Jeb Bush’s governorship, malpractice tort fell into the spotlight as a key area of reform. Bush felt that patients were making too much money off of malpractice lawsuits. His solution was to cap the amount of pain-and-suffering damages a patient could claim in a given malpractice suit. Bush greenlit the measure in 2003… Read More »

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Off-label Use of Zofran: The Risks

By Alan Goldfarb, P.A. |

There is an increasing number of lawsuits being filed over the off-label use of Zofran. The lawsuits come in the wake of recent studies and reports that Zofran may cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy. Originally, Zofran was created and intended as a powerful anti-nausea medicine for use by chemotherapy patients and surgery… Read More »

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“Small” Prescription Drug Error Can Mean Big Malpractice

By Alan Goldfarb, P.A. |

In most instances, the difference between one and two of something is not very significant. With medication, however, particularly when administered to the very young or the very old, a seemingly tiny difference like this can be fatal. While we can expect some over dosages to be attributed to errors of inexperienced parents or… Read More »

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