Category Archives: Medical Malpractice

Orthopedic Surgical Manufacturer Accused of Harming Patients, Paying Doctors
An orthopedic surgical manufacturer that fabricates surgical tools and prosthetics for orthopedic patients is accused not only of harming patients but of paying doctors so that they will use their potentially dangerous devices on patients. The problem is rampant in the medical industry. While the quality of these surgical implements varies from company to… Read More »

New Orleans Saints Fire Two Orthopedists After Injury Misdiagnosis
A former New Orleans Saints’ cornerback has filed a lawsuit against the team’s doctors after they misdiagnosed a leg injury that led to the worsening of his condition. The case became a national headline after it was announced that the Saints fired the orthopedists who had misdiagnosed the player. Now, Devin Breaux blames the… Read More »

What is NICA and Why is it Controversial?
Birth injuries do happen, even in America. In fact, recent studies have shown that America is one of the most developed countries to have such high birth injury numbers. But the majority of these injuries come from hospitals in the inner city where funds are the tightest. Patients are sometimes not monitored properly or… Read More »

Analyzing the Wright Medical Hip Lawsuits
Wright Medical Technology and MicroPort Orthopedics manufactured hip replacement technology under the names, Conserve Total Hip Implant System, Conserve Total A-Class Advanced Metal Hip Implant System, Conserve Resurfacing System, Dynasty Hip Implants, Lineage Hip Implants, and Profemur. These hip replacements have been the subject of multi-state class-action lawsuits alleging that the medical technology was… Read More »

Late Insurance Approval Costs Woman Her Legs
A woman is suing her health care insurance company after it delayed approval of an MRI that ended up costing her a leg, hip, and part of her pelvis. The woman’s doctor requested that her insurance company approve an MRI. The MRI was delayed by over a month but would have uncovered an aggressive… Read More »

British Family Sues Royal Caribbean After Baby Becomes Amputee
A nine-month-old baby was left a triple amputee after she got sick aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship. The family is now suing Royal Caribbean for a failure to render adequate medical care. In this article, we’ll take a look at the lawsuit and the family’s allegations. What Happened? The family says that everything… Read More »

Grieving Husband Lands $30 Million in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
A grieving husband landed a $30 million verdict after his wife died due to complications related to ankle surgery. The lawsuit was filed against Baptist Health Medical Group Orthopedics and two of their doctors. Alfredo Victor Fernandez and his wife went to the orthopedics center after his wife suffered an ankle injury. The plaintiffs… Read More »

Alzheimer Clinic Director Accused of False Diagnosis, Fraud
Imagine being told you have a diagnosis like Alzheimer’s disease only to find out later that your doctor lied to you so that he could bilk your insurance for as much as he could get. The U.S. Justice Department is accusing Sherry-Ann Jenkins of presenting herself as a doctor to patients, diagnosing them with… Read More »

Disney Cruise Worker Wins $4M in Lawsuit
This is the first time that the relatively new Disney Cruise Lines has lost a personal injury lawsuit and the loss came against one of their former employees. A Florida jury awarded Maria Ana Reis Martins $4 million after she alleged that she received inadequate medical care aboard the vessel. Martins was on shore… Read More »

Arthrex Faces Lawsuits Over Their Knee Replacement Device
Arthrex iBalance is a knee replacement technology that allows surgeons to perform “total knee replacements” on patients who have lost a significant amount of cartilage due to osteoarthritis. It can also treat cartilage loss caused by severe trauma to the knee. The Florida-based company brought in over $2 billion in revenue in 2017, but… Read More »