Category Archives: Defective Products

Appeals Court: Amazon Liable for Defective Products
If you buy something from a flea market, you don’t typically file a product liability lawsuit against the flea market if you’re injured by something you buy. In fact, it may be difficult to hold anyone liable since much of the stuff you find at flea markets is used. However, Amazon was hoping to… Read More »

Pam Cooking Spray Cans Explode, Causing Injury
Pam Cooking Spray and the company that manufactures it, Conagra Brands, has been hit with 17 lawsuits alleging that the cans exploded causing severe injuries. These include severe burn injuries. Also named as a defendant is the company responsible for manufacturing the cans. These allegations are similar to six other lawsuits that were filed… Read More »

Defective Pressure Cooker Results in $26 Million Settlement
A five-year-old girl suffered catastrophic injuries as a result of a defective pressure cooker that blew its cover. According to the lawsuit, the pressure cooker’s lid blew open. The young girl suffered burns over the majority of her body. This, in turn, required doctors to amputate one of her legs and fingers on both… Read More »

Goodyear Accused of Legal Misconduct over Defective Tires
It’s a tactic that’s become all too familiar for auto industry giants who are accused of creating defective products. First, they claim that their product is safe. Second, they settle lawsuits quietly and under seal. Third, they continue to produce the product with tragic consequences. Such was the with the defective Takata airbags that… Read More »

Class Action Takes on E-Scooter Companies
You can’t sue a company for a product that annoys a great segment of the population, but, you can sue a company for creating an unsafe product that creates foreseeable injuries or deploying the product in an unsafe way. That is precisely what California attorneys are attempting to do as they take on the… Read More »

Birth Control Device Linked to Serious Injuries
The birth-control device Mirena is the target of a number of lawsuits. The most recent one is being filed in New York. A Tennessee woman claims that she experienced intracranial pressure as a result of having the device installed and suffered various injuries as a result of that pressure. The device, manufactured by Bayer,… Read More »

Florida Man Sues Merck & Co. Alleging a Vaccine Caused His Injuries
A Florida man who claims the shingles vaccination, Zostavax, actually gave him shingles. Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox in children, the herpes zoster virus. As children, we get chickenpox and our immune system adapts, fighting it off. The virus, however, hides in our nerves and can remain dormant for… Read More »

Ford Pays $299 Million To Settle Takata Airbag-Related Lawsuit
One of the most massive product liability lawsuits of all time, the Takata airbag lawsuit, claimed another company as Ford recently paid out $299 million to settle the class-action. For those who haven’t heard about this, Takata Corporation produced a brand of defective airbags that would explode in humid climates. The force of the… Read More »

Disabled Veteran Injured By Extremely Hot Roll
A disabled veteran who suffered a traumatic brain injury during a training exercise had gone to the Ozarks on vacation with his family. There they decided to eat at Lambert’s Cafe which is famous for its splendid rolls. They were seated near the kitchen when a server came trundling through the door, tossed a… Read More »

$14 Million In Punitive Damages Awarded In Tobacco Wrongful Death Case
Product liability cases against Big Tobacco have all but died out. But one woman just gouged them for $21 million in a product liability lawsuit verdict that saw her awarded $14 million in punitive damages. Her husband died in 1997 from cancer. Throughout the course of his life, he tried very hard to quit…. Read More »